深圳市福田区郁金香电子经营部-微型热敏/针式打印机芯(Thermal / Dot mini  Printer Mechanisms)

深圳市福田区郁金香电子经营部-微型热敏/针式打印机芯(Thermal / Dot mini Printer Mechanisms)


• 各类热敏打印机芯 报价 总汇

• 医疗仪器打印头对应型号

• 热敏打印机打印片的更换图解

• 有关产品型号中“-E”的解释

• DPU-414-30B 热敏打


联系人: 李科军先生
电话: +86-0755-83956982
传真: +86-0755-22638877
手机: +86-13798497616
E-mail: yjx@yjx.net.cn
地址: 深圳市福田区郁金香微打电子经营部
Skype: yjx@yjx.net.cn
QQ: 36541774,893856468
旺旺: 微型打印组件


MKII Weighing Indicator Model 4322A printer head

MKII Weighing Indicator Model 4322A printer head
产品名称:MKII Weighing Indicator Model 4322A printer head
产品编号:MKII Weighing Indicator Model 4322A

MKII Weighing Indicator Model 4322A

10 key pad for easy tare entry. 100 I.D.code (8 digit) memory information blocks that contain Tare, Comparator limits, running code total weight and number of weighing events for each separate coded item. 50 tare weights can be stored in memory by I.D. number. Full Digital Calibration (FDC) for easy setting of zero and span. Digital linearization function to compensate for non- linearity of load cells. Will switch from lb to kg at the press of a button. Standard 20 ma serial output. Digital filter with four settings for everything from high speed automated weighing to animal weighing. Waterproof keyboard makes this indicator very useful in a variety of environments. Optional built in printer. Panel mount, desk top or wall mount. Twin displays. One display for weight, other for parameter setting, optional time and date. Peak hold circuit, built in comparator, complete RFI protection. NTEP approved Truck Scale program for general applications and Weigh- In, Weigh-Out usage. S.WA 4315 NTEP 89-037 III/IIIL 10,000 div.

 Part Number 
 AD-4322A MKII Basic indicator 
 AD-4322A MKII-08 Indicator w/printer 
 AD-4322-01 Parallel BCD output open collector 
 AD-4322-01A Parallel BCD output TTL levels 
 AD-4322-02 Setpoint interface 
 AD-4322-04 Serial output (RS232/current output) 
 AD-4322-07 Analog output 4-20ma 
 AD-4322-08 Built in printer 
 AD-4322-09 Digital clock (time & date) for use w/printer 
 AD-4322-10 Panel mount kit 
 AD-4322-11 Wall mount kit 
Service Parts
 JM:NJC-207-PF Load cell connector 
 JM:NJC-207-RM Connector w/flange for rear panel 
 WP:PP129-28A Thermal paper for printer, pack of (6) 
 01:A39844 Keysheet overlay 
 PZ:2082 Main board for AD4322A MKII 
 Maintenance manual 
 OPT-01 BCD open collector 


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